1-27-16 – “CODE TALKERS” for the Kingdom of Heaven

1 Corinthians 14:15 –

“What is the outcome then?
and I will pray with the mind also;
and I will sing with the mind also.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Matthew 3:11 –

“I baptize you with water for repentance.
But after me comes one who is more powerful than I,
whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jude 1:20-21 –

“But you, beloved,
building yourselves up on your most holy faith,
keep yourselves in the love of God,
waiting anxiously for the mercy
of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Acts 2:3-4 –

“And suddenly there came from heaven
a noise like a violent rushing wind,
and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them
tongues as of fire distributing themselves,
and they rested on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak with other tongues,
as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”

Holy Spirit



CODE TALKERS” . . . Some may remember that was the name given to men from the Navaho tribe, who served in World War Two; they communicated information in the Navaho language, for the NATO forces, that could NOT be intercepted by the enemy.

Codetalker    Codetalker


ALL TRUE BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS OF JESUS ARE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit and have a RAMPED UP, more POWERFUL prayer life, when granted the “gift of tongues”, which I call my “prayer language”. 



This Holy Spirit-led, POWERFUL prayer language, is like being “CODE TALKERS for the Kingdom of Heaven” . . . AND IS AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO SEEK THIS POWERFUL GIFT.

Holy Spirit fire


Now, does that mean “prayers with understanding” don’t work? NOT AT ALL . . . It’s more like this:
When we pray “prayers with understanding” . . That is like a “Colt revolver” . . . It can certainly take down the enemy (well, if you are a good shot) and can do the job, but it’s limited.  Many times it seems like our prayers are “off the mark” as we pray the way WE want to pray and really are NOT led by the Holy Spirit, praying IN THE WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER . . . We have bad aims if you will and “poor shots”. . .prayers that do NOT have power and don’t seem to have any impact on the situation (UNLESS WE PRAY ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER).




Using Holy Spirit “prayer language” or “the gift of tongues” is like having the most advanced sniper rifle, with scope and guided nuke bullets that ALWAYS hit the target and shatters through the darkness of the demonic realm . . . And the enemy doesn’t know where it’s coming from until it’s too late. . . BAM!!!

Gun sniperNuke


ALSO, when we use our prayer language . . . “Praying in the Spirit” . . .it can’t be heard/understood by the demonic realm, like the general prayers we pray . . . Those spirit-led prayers, using our prayer language,  go straight to the Throne Room of Heaven. . . PROTECTED by the LORD HIMSELF. . . . with ANGELIC FORCES. . . Our team mates in the Spiritual Realm.




Baby question


I’LL TELL YOU WHY, with a few examples . . .  Have you EVER had times when:

~ somebody says, “can you pray for me, I have an unspoken prayer request?”

~ you’re hurting so much inside, you don’t know how to pray, or words can’t even express what you want to say.

~ somebody comes to your mind that you haven’t thought about in a long time

~ somebody is very ill and needs prayers

~ there is a MAJOR decision to make and even though you have prayed “with understanding”, seeking direction, there just doesn’t seem to be clarity

~ you know there are miracles, signs and wonders in the Bible, but why aren’t they happening now?

~ you feel fearful or anxious and just can’t seem to shake that

~ some really creepy things have been happening around you and you don’t know what to do about it

~ you want a closer, more intimate relationship with the LORD Jesus

~ some passages in the Bible don’t make sense to you

~ you meet somebody who claims to be a Christian, but something just doesn’t seem right

I believe you may be getting the point. . . .

Holy Spirit

ALL of those things have happened to me.

When I pray in the Spirit, WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADING .. . Clarity and peace comes and YES, I have seen miracles, signs and wonders. It gets me out of the way and places the authority and leading onto the LORD.


You have read some of the dreams, visions and revelations I shared. Remember the  



I WAS PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT over that horse. Again, It gets me out of the way for the Holy Spirit to move and work as HE wills and not as I will.

I’m just a vessel, like a waitress delivering the meal to the customer. . . The cook is the Heavenly Father: “deliver that to table seven“. . . YES LORD. . . . YEP . . A “Waitress for Jesus”.



I’ll even say this: It would be VERY difficult for me to maintain a clean, close walk with the LORD Jesus without the gift of speaking in tongues, especially when I have gone through some very difficult times. I know more of those difficult times are looming ahead, so I’M GRATEFUL to have this supernatural Holy Spirit language connection straight to the Throne Room of Heaven.. . .




Holy Spirit



Holy Spirit



Prayer Bowing

because when we are FILLED to overflowing, with the Holy Spirit. . . THAT power and presence of God rises up from deep within our being. AND as THAT Power and presence of God continues to rise up THAT is when we MUST fully surrender our entire being to the POWER of the Holy Spirit.






Holy SpiritHoly Spirit


CHECK OUT THIS BROADCAST FROM ABC NEWS IN 2008. It’s regarding a medical study conducted through the University of Pennsylvania, utilizing MRI (brain scans) to look at the Holy Spirit Gift SPEAKING IN TONGUES. THE RESULTS . . . . AMAZING (and yes, it was on “prime time television news” . . That’s even more amazing):







Teaching on Speaking in Tongues:


A GREAT Sermon about prayer, from Pastor Francis Chan:



FORGOTTEN GOD: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit –

CRAZY LOVE: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God –


HERE’S A RESOURCE THAT WILL HELP YOU learn more about “Praying in the Spirit” –


Armed Forces Museum – World War Two Navajo Code Talkers –



Jesus   Jesus




RESPECTFUL COMMENTS are most welcome in my “virtual home”, here on this blog, where the LORD JESUS CHRIST, Hebrew name is Yahshua, is lifted up and the TRUTH is being told.





AND ——– >

I don’t need to hear why you don’t believe what I share. I’ll tell you again, to take these posts to the LORD in prayer. I won’t engage in debate. . . time is too short. . . I’m too weary and it’s a WASTE of time!!!

If you have honest questions, yes. . . Or not quite sure, that’s absolutely understandable, some of this stuff is difficult for me too, so I must seek the LORD for confirmation and FULL TRUTH, just like you.

If it’s to bring the “you are wrong” comments. . .no. . . Those won’t be posted, Nor will the comments of Mockers & scoffers, those with hateful comments, and those who bring discord. . . .

POOF!!! There They go . . . Comments Bye-bye to the trash!!!!





ANY ADS LOCATED ON MY BLOGS ARE NOT MY CHOICE, NOR DO I ENDORSE ANY OF THE THEM. . . I have a free account from WordPress, which may place ads of their choosing on my posts. I suppose it’s a good example of “you get what you pay for”. Currently “free” is all I can afford, but THANK YOU JESUS, I’m able to do this at all.


116 thoughts on “1-27-16 – “CODE TALKERS” for the Kingdom of Heaven

  1. And that very well may be the interpretation, Christine. Just knowing you are praying for the people and the situations. . . The specifics may be held privately by the Heavenly Father as He dispatches the Angels accordingly. Sort of like “special forces” with our prayers as “Intel” . . You don’t want the enemy to know what you are doing.


  2. As a follow up to this discussion, I did ask the Lord for the gift of interpretation as I prayed/sang in tongues. What has happened is this: as I’m praying/singing, certain people or situations come to my conscious mind. I do think I am praying FOR these people and situations at that time, but in a language no one taught me.

    Blessings, my sisters and brothers in Christ!


  3. It’s an AMAZING gift I MUST utilize in order to help me stay “spiritually connected” to the Holy Spirit. Also, so many times there are unknown situations that impact a person’s life, so when there is a prayer request, ONLY the Holy Spirit-led prayers can impact what even the person may not know about.

    I truly recommend ALL to seek this gift . . . We need EVERYTHING the LORD will grant us in this day and hour .


  4. Why not, Kenzel. We pray for people and situations all of the time, when we aren’t in that location. Look at this “lil ole virtual home group”. Aren’t we sending prayers up for somebody when we aren’t there? Also, Aren’t we called “Ambassador’s of Christ”?(2 Cor. 5:20) Then wouldn’t our property be “Embassies” for the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Let’s look at the example given in the Bible about prayers for things when we are not in that location:
    Luke 7:1-10 –

    “7 After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. 2 Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. 3 When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking him to come and heal his servant. 4 And when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy to have you do this for him, 5 for he loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue.” 6 And Jesus went with them. When he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying to him, “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. 7 Therefore I did not presume to come to you. But say the word, and let my servant be healed. 8 For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 9 When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turning to the crowd that followed him, said, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” 10 And when those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the servant well.”


  5. Very interesting. I remember learning about the gift of tongues. I must have a blockage somewhere because I’ve neither spoken it nor been able to interpret nor used it in prayer. Closest I’ve ever come is just praying silently and asking spirit to search my heart/mind.


  6. Yes, I like the method of putting on Worship Music. For one thing, that helps with releasing inhibitions about someone else in the house hearing you—- helps to get over that hurdle—- plus the Worship Music is inspiring!

    Also, Jolie, my Pastor had emphasized the need to PRACTICE.


  7. You are welcome, Jolie. May the LORD grant us HOLY BOLDNESS to step out and use ALL that He has given to us, as HE directs us and yes, that includes the gift of tongues, used in our private time with the LORD. JUST DO IT . . Open your mouth and let the Holy Spirit speak through you. Maybe even put on some worship music and start praising the LORD. There is “singing in the Spirit” as well. . . That’s using the gift of tongues to praise the LORD.


  8. Thank you SO much for this post. You know, Linda, that it’s very timely for me as well. Many years ago (late ’90’s) I had asked for this gift. But I only had 2-3 sounds that I would make. So I assumed that this was my own efforts, nothing from the Lord. Sometimes I would make the sounds – but it never felt “right.” I’ve never had much problem communicating in English, so I figured maybe I didn’t “need” this gift (pride).

    Then a few weeks ago, I asked the Lord to please give me the gift. He told me that I already have it, but that I need to practice. Practice? I figured it would be smooth and fluent! But I love what the pastor said (in the video posted above), that it may begin slow, just like anyone learning a new language. I have been “practicing” a lot lately. And the Lord reminds me often to speak my language. I don’t “feel” anything when I do it. But it is indeed a walk by faith. Praise the Lord!!

    I also sat down and typed out the sounds (which are more than the original 2-3 now). Seeing them typed out helped me to understand it more. Not the meaning of the words, but the noises and pronunciations. Thank You Jesus!!


  9. WHAT AN AMAZING TESTIMONY, Faith. . .thank you VERY much for sharing this.

    I am grieved over the lukewarm, faithless church who SLAPS God in the Face and basically says, “You don’t do that anymore . . And we don’t believe what the Bible says in Joel 2 and Acts 2 . . And we love our doctrines, thank you very much . . Just keep your miracles, signs and wonders, God. . . We got this one.”

    My latest post is for those lukewarm, faithless, spiritually insignificant “churches”:

    1-28-16 – JESUS IS COMING BACK FOR A PASSIONATE BRIDE!!! | believeacts2’s Blog


  10. This is my tongues story.:)
    I have always been a member of churches that do not believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, miracles, etc. They believe that all died away with the last of the apostles.

    A couple years ago I started my journey in developing a closer relationship with the Lord. I listened to Steve Quayle, Rick Wiles, the Hagmans. I was confused about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in particular the gift of tongues so I took it to the Lord in prayer.

    He gave me a dream last May. In my dream it was nighttime and my husband was laying next to me sleeping. I was laying there praising God when all of a sudden goose bumps went completely down my body to my feet. This happened 3 times. Immediately after the 3rd time the Holy Spirit welled up in me and out my mouth and I started speaking in tongues in my dream. In my mind I was still praising God. I lifted up my right hand to the Lord. I then woke up.

    I knew then that God had given me the ability however it wasn’t until Aug. in a time of intense praying over something I was distressed about did the tongues start flowing.

    I try to speak tongues daily now and often when I pray I get so overcome with emotion. I don’t know what I’m praying but it feels so intense and often sorrowful.

    I thought it interesting in the video above he talks about pentecost meaning 50. I was 50 when the Lord blessed me with this gift.

    Thank you Linda for discussing this important topic.


  11. WAHOO James! It is amazing, isn’t it? I feel the same way when I pray in tongues! And I’ve been praying for interpretation, also, and as I was praying yesterday I had this sense that I was praying for my daughter (she has bronchitis) and then that I was praying for my marriage! WOW. God is definitely pouring out His Spirit! Praise you, Jesus! WOW, Lord! We’re vibrating all over and praising you with every single cell!

    Amen and amen!



    Amazing :). And you can use your prayer language . . . ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME. . As I shared earlier, I do this “in my heart” . . And it helps keep me connected to the LORD.


    Liked by 1 person

  13. 1/28/16 — Testimony to the Lord. Sometime during my sleep, I distinctly remember a non-stop flow of prayer language that was coming from me and I felt a warm presence that I can only describe as a light coming from heaven and directed at me like a “spot light”. I’ve never had prayer language before, and only spoke in tongues when I was first saved back in the early 80’s — Thank You Jesus. I’m looking forward to more of this. All I know is that I did not understand what I was saying and knew it was total communication with the Lord and not guided by my own flesh.


  14. Oh YES, my sister! The KEY is to keep pressing into Jesus so that if the opportunity presents itself we’re PRIMED to rise up and allow our King to overcome the circumstance! That’s what that dream taught me. How sad to say, IF ONLY there were a born-again there that spoke in tongues. . .How much evil occurs around us that we DON’T overcome because we’re not READY? He is giving me a new holy boldness! Praise God! Things will get so dark here that hopefully we’ll all have the attitude of “WHO CARES WHAT PEOPLE THINK?” Ha! A “Book of Acts” Church, come alive again! Now isn’t that just like our King? To close out the Church age with matching book-ends?



  15. Thanks for posting, Christiana…..awesome…..also I have listened to Dr. Patricia Green on youtube, and I believe I have all of her books…..I think most or all are FREE PDF’s on her site….


  16. Well Peggy you see im somewhat of a hermit by nature and my old buddies i used to have dont adapt too well to Jesus sermons. They prefer more malt based sermons and worldly entertainment.

    And my fellow church members are of the older generation, they didnt have english in school when they were there.
    So im guessing you have to be able to stick out with poor me only.

    But prayer does miracles and a blog like this in Finnish well lets just say that my fellow citizens in Finland would find this a little hard to chew 🙂


  17. Look at all the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord that’s come out of here the past week – WOW Bless you all for sharing everything – He is over this site and pouring out everything on us – see this is when I get into that untrained puppy mode – gotta settle down again lol


  18. Hi all,
    I read Linda’s blog daily. It is Excellent! I love her boldness for the Lord. I generally prefer to stay quiet but thought I would share.

    I became a Christian at a very young age but my church did not teach about speaking in tongues. It was just an avoided topic as was spiritual warfare or anything of that nature. I’ve just known in my heart that it was a gift for all.

    Well last spring/summer I went on the hunt (talk about working out your salvation and still working it out😊). I prayed 3 times to receive the Holy Spirit. The first 2 times nothing happened. So I emailed Dr Patricia Green. I couldn’t figure out why I was not receiving this gift.

    Well I needed deliverance from the spirit of rejection. I had no idea! As soon as I received that deliverance Boom! I was speaking in tongues it was only one word at first but yay! Now the Lord has expanded my tongues.

    When Dr Green prayed over me and realized it was a spirit of rejection I knew she was right! My father left when I was young. I hope my testimony helps someone. Here is Dr Greens teachings on speaking in tongues http://drpatricia.com/teachings/
    Just scroll through you will find it.

    Also just to encourage the praying in the spirit…. I have grown by leaps and bounds in the Lord! I have several small children so just studying the Bible, reading this blog, etc can be difficult at times but I can pray in the spirit.

    I pray in the spirit while changing diapers, washing the dishes, taking a walk with the kids, etc, and I try to remember to when I’m at my wits end with the kids😉 Which happens more than I want to admit!

    Blessings to you all! And may we all feel the outpouring of the Holy Spirit this night!



  19. AMAZING, Christine. . . . ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
    We need to read the Book of Acts 2:7-11 –
    “They were amazed and astonished, saying, “Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God”

    SO . . . It happened then, that there were languages spoken, with the “gift of tongues” that all of the visiting Nations heard in amazement. . . . That they were hearing their own language.

    SO . . . Indeed what you dreamt could take place . . . We must NOT limit the Heavenly Father. . . But be led by the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine? Terrorists falling to their knees in repentance.

    After all, the Apostle Paul, who was called Saul, persecuted Christians in his day . . . Watching the first martyr, Stephen being stoned. . . Later became a follower of Jesus we know as “the Apostel Paul” Why not in our day and age? Terrorists to teachers of the Bible? AMAZING “WIN” for the Kingdom of Heaven. . . . AND



  20. WOW, Stig-Ove! Hold onto that memory! Have a feeling you’re remembering it for “such a time as this!”

    : ) Christine


  21. Linda, something just popped back into my brain when I read your response to that video on tongues. Remember the terrorist attack in Paris? The night after that happened, I dreamt I was in a public place, and these terrorists came in in ski masks brandishing automatic weapons and screaming “Allahu Akbar!” Everyone screamed and dove for cover, but I stood up and started praying loudly in tongues. I was looking at one of the terrorists, and all of a sudden he ripped off his mask and fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face. He said to me (in English, I guess, cause I understood him): you just called me by my knick-name! How could you know it?” He dropped his weapon and they all fled. He gave his life to Christ. I woke up saying these words out loud: IF THERE HAD BEEN A CHRISTIAN IN THAT PLACE THAT SPOKE IN TONGUES, THE TERRORIST ATTACK COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED.

    Isn’t that something? I had forgotten all about that dream until I read your reply! Didn’t even record it in my journal! Whew. Holy Spirit all over me!

    Be blessed, my sister,


  22. Hello Vicki,
    I listened to a little bit of it, but not all of it. When he basically said speaking in tongues is not languages we now know, like Spanish. . . I don’t agree. There have been reports of people being in a foreign land, or when a visitor from another nation was in the area when a person spoke in tongues, and that visitor knew the language.

    Also, it may even be what sounds like “sounds”. For example, there is a tribe in South Africa that communicates with what sounds like clicks.

    Here’s the bottom line: Seek the LORD on ALL of these things. If your mind says, “I’m not sure about this” . . That may be from past poor teaching, but don’t stop there. . . Keep pressing into the LORD in prayer. . . Seeking Him for confirmation. What do you feel deep in your spirit (which is what we may also call “gut level”.

    Do you have peace deep down inside, even when your mind may think: “this is too strange . . . I don’t get it. . . This doesn’t make sense”. That may be the Holy Spirit inside of you confirming to you.

    IF however, deep inside you feel an uncomfortable feeling, like, “something really is not right” or it can even be almost like your breath is taken away for a split second. . That may be the Holy Spirit warning you.

    It’s all a part of our “walk with the LORD”, as we develop our relationship with Him and learn how to “hear” that still small voice, or His presence, or His leading.

    One of my MOST FAVORITE ways? When Scriptures come to my mind seemingly “out of the blue” . . . And I really don’t know what they say or sometimes, even I may think this: “are there really that many chapters in that Book of the Bible?” LOL . . Yep, I have the Written Word in my heart, but not memorized, nor do I generally know what says what until I look it up.

    BEST THING: Keep seeking the ALL that the Heavenly Father will give you, to equip you. AND before you read the Bible, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you what HE meant when He inspired the origial writers. He can and will bring the Written Word ALIVE like never before.

    Back to that YouTube video, again. . . I didn’t feel prompted to finish watching it, but I’ll keep it on here for somebody else to review and reply.


  23. Beautiful post, Stig-ove.
    Rest assured that you, your wife, and family will REMAIN in our thoughts and prayers.
    (I just saw White Light as confirmation to that.)


  24. Linda,

    Is the following link a good example of what you mean when you say, “The MOST important thing? BE FULLY LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. If something doesn’t “seem right”, then stop and take some time to Ask the LORD about it. Here’s why: there are witches, warlocks and occultists who have infiltrated “the church” and use what is called “dark languages” . . These sound like “speaking in tongues”, but are demonically-inspired”.

    Is this accurate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmI-49Ck51Q
    Thank You,


  25. YOU ARE SO RIGHT LINDA!! It is time for all who declare for Jesus to “warrior up” and accept ALL His armament!,,,,not just the armor! Thanks for truth!


  26. I agree James, I have tried to schedule time with her as well. She said next Thursday she had time. Need to clarify, tomorrow or next week. YIKES hope it isn’t next week.


  27. What a sad day that would be when its no longer possible to post and communicate with my newly found american brethren.

    I guess ill just have to sing Rawhide and move onwards towards heaven then.
    Rolling rolling rolling….raaawhiide moving out of Branson towards the promised land…..not California but heaven

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Too funny Stig-Ove about being a sheriff wearing a trenchcoat in an old Western. Hey, maybe that fits on where I Live? They have “Old-Time” photo shops in the city of Branson, MO. They try to portray that city as “The Old West ” — too funny 🙂 I live in the border city called Branson West.


  29. LOL Stig-Ove on JC’s photo. . That’s a good one. Maybe a “Sheriff for Jesus” . . . Arresting the hell varments and booting them OUT OF TOWN, in the name of JESUS. . . BAM!!! And let a spiked door hit them on the way out!!! BAM!! Again 🙂


  30. Deb.. sadhu is amazing. thanks for passing that on about an hour a day of prayer in language…. blessings to you


  31. When it comes to prophesying years back i was on a boat meeting an ex alcoholic seaman used to spread the gospel.
    I was then and still am very cautious to show feelings in thr open and suddenly in that meetin when about 25-30 people were gathered that guy hugs me of all people and says he feels i will be a prophet.
    I was like huh and very stale but he was very warm and assertive in his words.
    I still remember him after these years and because of the baby steps i have taken here to be more open amongst you.

    Baby steps Jc said to Jason and thats true.
    And btw Jc looking at your picture there in your forum profile i get an mental image of you being an sheriff from old westernmovies upholding the law in a trenchcoat 🙂

    Dont know where that image came from.


  32. Exactly. I used to “pray walk” in the public hospital I represented and NOBODY knew it. It just looked like I was going to my next meeting, which I was, but I was praying in the Spirit as I walked.


  33. That’s what Bette Stevens says that she does when someone asked her what her day “looks like”—
    in other words, how to balance chores, errands, meals, etc. with spiritual practices…..


  34. Deb,
    Thanks for sharing. There was a brother in New York that advocated that “at least one hour per day in prayer language.” That was FOUR YEARS ago. (How much more this is important now!) I know he got together with groups of people and did so for 1 hour per day.

    I understand what Linda is saying about “throughout the day,” too.


  35. VERY welcome, Stig-Ove. So you know, I am quite with my “prayer language” . . . RARELY do I speak it outloud, but in my heart. It’s a very personal thing with me, SO. . . You know, it’s not necessarily a BLURT OUT and SHOUT OUT thing to be speaking in tongues. It can be . . But not necessarily. SO . . . Go for it my brother. . . Best to have ALL that the Holy Spirit will grant to us in this day and hour.


  36. Michael,
    Amen. The decision you described is without contest the MOST IMPORTANT DECISION any human being could ever make. Why? Because a person’s eternal permanent residence in one of two possible
    destinations hangs entirely on receiving Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross for Eternal Salvation.

    There is no other way!

    People, do it NOW. If you need help, contact this blog or contact Linda privately. RIGHT NOW!
    There is nothing to be ashamed about. We’ve ALL been there before. Just do it.
    We want to see you with Jesus and with us in Heaven!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. I love this post Linda! I have found so many times anymore, I just don’t know what to pray for people. I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to intercede for me. God knows how to get our attention and if He wants to get something across to us, He knows how to do it. Sometimes it is in ways we never expect. (That thought just came back to me last night during a quiet time).

    .Sadhu Sundar Selvarj is SHOUTING Prepare, over and over again in his 2016 New year Prophetic Conference. Makes you wonder how many times some people need to hear that and about repenting before anything sinks in. He has also said we should be praying at least an hour/day in our prayer language,


  38. Hello all and a special hello to our hostess

    Concerning speaking in tongues i never had that.
    One reason being that im a very reservef and careful in some cases about how i project my personality to my surrounding.

    Then on the other hand at work where im just about the only born again christian im not reserved at all in what i proclaim.
    Seems when im at church something holds me back that i never could quite explain.

    Praying that the Lord would set my reserved personality free to boldly proclaim his glory even further!
    And i also felt an urge to take what little money we have and store at home when i felt weird yesterday.

    My words are not enough to thank and praise the spirit of fellowship that this site gives me from Canada-Usa to Finland.


  39. Thank you Michael and everyone on this blog. I have read most of the responses and am grateful to be a part of this. Many great testimonies on this post and many others.


  40. Linda I pray thanks over you for carrying His burden placed on your heart and delivering it faithful daughter and sister of the Lord. Amen.


  41. Yes indeed Linda. I’ve turned over everything to the Lord, but I wanted to make sure there was not even a little something even hidden from myself in memory. I do not have my prayer language, but that would be an awesome outcome from the session tomorrow 🙂 I know I am saved, I’m forgiven and I have forgiven everyone. I can testify to many things I have been delivered from. I believe i have received several warnings in the form of spiritual site and smell, and I have also received confirmations of protection from the Lord. From here on out, it’s just “extras” from the Lord in preparation for what is to come and those “extras” will help build up our armour 🙂


  42. Jason wherever you are right now praise the Lord for the other day. Any others on the fence right now reading these posts please consider with all your heart and every ounce of concentration in prayer to come back or come over to the Lord. Amen

    Liked by 1 person

  43. I am in agreement with you and everyone on here. I just got home from a visit with my parents and was ready to crash. I have a Deliverance session scheduled with Bette tomorrow and was contemplating postponement for a few days. Suddenly I heard “Do Not Postpone, Time is short, Be Ready”.


  44. That’s incredible, Linda—- the shofar/air raid siren—- WOE!
    I think there was something like that noted by Ali Winters in her post today, 1/27/2016.
    I think I posted it here in the a.m…….but now, I’m not remembering the exact text.


  45. Linda,
    You are so right. The time for “playing games” at any level of spiritual development is OVER!
    What you stated above is a LOVING word.
    Please ALWAYS feel free to give them.
    (And granted, our “always” here on the blog and on earth could very well not last very long at all.)

    We’re in the SERVICE now for real!!


  46. Yes, Michael— great “word picture.”
    I just spoke with a good friend. She has prayer language, but says she doesn’t feel led to use it.
    She is in the Bible for at least 1 hour every day. She lives alone and has a prayer closet, but joked that she would have to close all the vents so no one would hear and think she’s crazy.

    I bring this up as an example, because for every person that vocalizes something similar to this,
    there must be a hundred that are thinking the same thing.

    Once again, God uses the “foolish” things of this world to confound the wise,” right?


  47. Michael,
    I first heard “Cognitive dissonance” from Linda, but I may have quoted it somewhere.
    I also call it something similar: “Normalcy Bias.”

    God Bless.


  48. Folks . . I hope you understand I’m not trying to be “mean” . . I’m just sensing the LOOMING “and suddenlies” approaching that will propel MANY into eternity, ready or not. We truly CAN’T afford to be dragging our feet on what the LORD is calling us to do.

    We also CAN’T afford to have any abiding sin in our lives. . . It WILL keep us out of Heaven.

    The day is coming when I will no longer be able to post. . . Share . . . Encourage. . . Exhort . . It will be whatever a person has as a relationship with the LORD and whether or not he/she took the time to get their “spiritual house in order”.

    NONE of us knows when our day will be to step into eternity. . . . TODAY could be the last day for any or all of us.


  49. Amen Linda and also on Peggys comment about not praying in tongue that frequently? THAT is me also so I appreciate you bringing that to the front. Did not realize that. Well Peggy guess what you and I are gonna be two more flames going up every day now sister lol


  50. The wonderful thing that happens when these lies are spoken as truth, brother Michael, is that the Holy Spirit nudges us to “check it out in the Word.” I did that, after that comment about prophesy. I found Acts 2:17 (Linda’s anchor): “. . .YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY. . ” and looked up PROPHESY in the Greek. It is #4395 PROPHETEUSOUSIN/PROPHETEUO meaning “to speak an inspired message, sometimes encouraging obedience, sometimes proclaiming the future as a warning to preparedness and continued obedience.” That also agrees with 1 Thess 5:20 where Paul tells us to “DESPISE NOT PROPHESYINGS” and this is the same Greek word. So, how can a Bible-believing Christian say that there is no such thing as prophesy today?

    “THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADS US INTO ALL TRUTH AND WILL SHOW US THINGS TO COME,” John 16:13-15. “To Come” in this verse is the Greek 2064 ERCHOMENA, meaning “prophetic promise and universal expectation.”

    Praise God, the Holy Spirit does indeed lead us into all truth!

    Be blessed, brother-mine!


  51. Funny how so many understand this! I call it “pushing the river!” It flows (the river of living water) and doesn’t need my help! LOL.

    : )


  52. Linda, what an awesome post! Very timely and urgently needed by the Body of Christ.

    I was in a very works based church in my early Christian walk, and they too thought tongues could be dangerous, not needed in our day, and might just be from the devil.

    Churches like oftentimes have a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Tim 3:5). Then I read ‘Tongues Beyond the Upper Room’ by Kenneth E. Hagin. I knew then all I had to do was begin thanking the Lord, because I knew He would not withhold anything good thing from me. I told Him I wanted all He had for me – don’t hold anything back.

    It was within a few days that I was praying at the foot of my bed, and I began to praise the Lord with all my being. All of a sudden, the words coming from my lips were flowing in an unknown tongue. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for interpretation. Sometimes you’ll be given new insight about something as your praying in tongues. Or it may come later on though a song, another person, or reading scripture. Our Father is an awesome God, always provides all our needs.


  53. Yes, Linda, I can confirm that that is what He’s taught me as well (that the gift of tongues and a prayer language are different.) Thank you for that confirmation. I have never felt led by the Spirit to speak a message to the Church through my gift. It is much more prayerful adoration.

    Many blessings, Linda!


  54. Amen to that, Peggy, my sweet sister! I was given that precious gift FORTY years ago. . .and until I read Linda’s post today, didn’t realize that I don’t use it nearly enough. That ends today.

    Love ya, Peggy!


  55. Michael . . . I also have to ask the LORD to “hold me back” so I don’t jump ahead of Him. So you are not alone in that area. Sometimes our enthusiasm to serve can cause us to want to PUSH, when we need to REST. LOL . . Boy to I resemble that remark 🙂


  56. Christine. . . I view “prayer language” and “the gift of tongues”, which requires interpretation, as something different.
    Prayer language is our private communication with the LORD, via the Holy Spirit speaking through and with our spirit.

    “The Gift of Tongues” brings a message to a group of people, from the LORD and MUST have an interpretation. However, bringing a Word from the LORD (a Word of Knowledge, a Word of Wisdom, a prophecy) . . Does not require speaking forth in tongues first, but may stem from that.

    The MOST important thing? BE FULLY LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. If something doesn’t “seem right”, then stop and take some time to Ask the LORD about it. Here’s why: there are witches, warlocks and occultists who have infiltrated “the church” and use what is called “dark languages” . . These sound like “speaking in tongues”, but are demonically-inspired.

    This is NOT to create fear or to prevent anybody from pursuing ALL of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. THat info is to highlight the NEED for the FULLNESS of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Also, “the Gift of Discernment” is VITAL for our day, because of the increased demonic spirit of deception.

    One of the reasons to do a prayer walk around our property (or if you are ill, or unable to walk the distance) . . . Mentally do a prayer walk around your property, dedicating it ALL to the Kingdom of Heaven, applying the blood of Jesus over ALL and asking the Heavenly Father to protect ALL that pertains to you.


  57. Yes Christine that bible study person you spoke of? That was some friends of mine who tried to warn fellow believers of what’s coming and the husband I guess just said ” there is no way on earth any of these things will happen” and he just shut down locking his own statement in his mind. It’s confounding where these seeds are dropped and people just do not go any further in digging. I think Peggy called it cognitive dissonance at one time.


  58. Peggy . . It’s important to start doing that throughout the day . . . EVERY day . . It’s staying “plugged in” to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We don’t have to pray outloud. . . We can pray in our heart.


  59. Michael,
    Thanks for sharing. I received my Prayer Language only a little over a year ago.
    However, I KNOW that I am barely using it.
    This post is SUCH a necessary reminder!!!


  60. Linda,
    Where you wrote “Michael, when Scriptures come to mind”— I believe you mean “Stig-ove.”
    Correct me if I’m wrong.

    Anyway, Stig-ove, thanks for that post above. I appreciate you sharing that.
    I also keep feeling that “prepare, prepare, prepare.”
    That is also one of the messages that my Pastor is receiving.


  61. Thank you, Peggy. It was pretty awesome to me, and served as a confirmation in my spirit for many years (when the enemy tried to tell me I was the same ole Christine and nothing had really happened to me.)

    I do think we should pray for the gifts of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:29 tells us that the Holy Spirit distributes them as He will: “ARE ALL APOSTLES? ARE ALL PROPHETS? ARE ALL TEACHERS? ARE ALL WORKERS OF MIRACLES? HAVE ALL THE GIFTS OF HEALING? DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES? DO ALL INTERPRET?

    It is my understanding that the gift of tongues that is meant as an evangelistic tool is different than the gift of tongues as a prayer language. I have never used my language in public, except as a prayer. It has never been interpreted. It will be interesting to hear the different perspectives here in our virtual home group about this!

    Yes it IS sad that His manifestations in our lives are viewed with skepticism. I’ve heard born-again sisters assert that we no longer have the gift of prophecy, because we have the Word. All I can say is: satan is very busy in the Church.

    Be blessed, my precious sister!


  62. Peggy I’m feeling that same sadness you mentioned about my people perish. Stig-ove very encouraging testimony you wrote. This morning in prayer I felt again that I asked Him to forgive me for running ahead of Him again. It’s the untrained puppy syndrome when the owner comes home and the puppy runs circles and through the house instead of just sitting at the masters feet and waiting patiently. Like stig -ove experienced reading the word quietly then leads to more revelation. He is going to train me to look only at Him.


  63. Also, please consider starting a journal (yes, you can do that on your computer) 🙂
    Then pray over it. See if the Holy Spirit gives you greater understanding.
    Sometimes that happens. Other times it may come later.

    I know that personally . . . I have shared dreams here from the 1990s that didn’t make sense at the time, but was prompted to write them down.

    Also, by you writing these things out and praying over them. . . It helps increase that intimacy with the LORD.


  64. Stig-Ove, when Scriptures come to mind like that, it very well may be the Holy Spirit speaking to YOUR spirit. I personally believe the BEST revelations come through the Scriptures, when the Holy Spirit highlights something and brings it to mind, with understanding for our day and time.

    What I believe you are experiencing is an increase in the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Ask Him for MORE, MORE, MORE . . To fill you with overflowing.


  65. This subject is amazing and fascinating to me. I got my laguage at a shabbat session. She prayed over me anointed me with oil and all of a sudden it was like electric shocks going through me. Even though my language sounds strange to me I noticed it comes out faster and smoother now. Continueous instead of choppy and hesitant like in the beginning.


  66. Christine,
    I absolutely loved your testimony above and very much appreciate you sharing it along with the details.
    It’s really sad that anyone would think that God’s beautiful Baptism in the Holy Spirit manifestation is satanic. It’s another example of “calling GOOD evil”!

    I can name two women friends that I have that had spontaneous manifestations as you describe.

    I especially loved hearing about your “singing in the Spirit”! (as a retired music teacher)…..

    Back to the point about the comment you heard about “satanic”— I keep seeing, almost in alarming degrees all around me that which is stated in the Bible Book of Hosea:
    “My people PERISH for a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.”
    Think about the word “perish.” I believe it implies perishing in hell eternally….and that’s NOT annihilation, it’s real living TORMENT……….oh, so sad!

    May people be educated by the Holy Spirit through daily WASHING in the HOLY WORD, THE BIBLE!

    Love ‘Ya,


  67. Hello Linda

    First and foremost im going to say i never had any kind of dream or specific prayer answer like this to everybodys knowledge.

    I sat down while my wife showered and prayed about my special weird feeling i had these last days which involve being prepared.

    I got this scripture while praying first Jeremiah 41:11

    Read it, the name Johanan means the Lord graciously gave, Kareah means make bold or bald.
    And Ishmael God hears!

    Next i got Isaiah 34:14 which says the wild beasts of the desert shall meet the wild beasts of the islands and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl(Leylith or Lilith if you know who she is in judaism)shall also rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.
    The wild beasts of the desert and beasts of isles shall meet hmm sounds like some union to me between islamics and gentile nations to me.
    Satyr is a demonic halfman half goat creature from greek mythology. Lilith was according to Cabala believing jews the first consort of Adam who rebelled against his authority and consorted with demons and gave birth to daemonic offspring.

    Last i got numbers 9:11 a commandment to celebrate passover this year starting 22april sunset. The jews were to eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs which made me think that something might happen then to Israel something bitter involving meeting with arabs and other gentiles and demons finding resting place in our reality Isaiah 34:14.

    I never had anything like this in my life and only time or the Lord will verify me if there is something to this!

    Writing this here makes me feel relieved now.
    I can only go hmm because i felt weird and posted Linda in her earlier post minutes before this came online.

    Make out of this what you will

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  68. The night I got saved (April 6, 1976) I was kneeling around a table in a private home with four other people. I was so filled with peace and purity that I sobbed for a long time, without self-consciousness (of course, the PURITY didn’t last long!) After rejoicing with my fellow brothers and sisters for a while, I went to bed. Lying there beside my husband, I was so filled with love for him (he was sleeping). Then I started to sing in a language that no one taught me. It is a beautiful melody, and always has the same words. Peace descended. OH MY, what an experience! I had NO IDEA what it was, though! Remember, I was raised up in the Roman Catholic Church, and they don’t teach about the gift of tongues! So the next morning, while sitting around the table with my new friends, I told everyone what had happened, and they told me what it was! I didn’t know to ask for this gift; didn’t know to try to MANIFEST this gift; I just opened my mouth and out it came!

    Recently in my weekly women’s Bible Study, one of my sisters made a comment about how the gift of tongues was Satanic. I listened to this discussion whip around the table. . .and the Lord nudged me to share, so I did. I don’t have any idea if this friend of mine changed her mind about it, but at least I put to rest some of the misconceptions: when I pray in tongues, I am NOT being “controlled;” it is volitional, even though I do not understand the words with my mind. It is not gibberish; I did not speak in tongues because someone else FORCED me to do it, as a proof that I was really saved. The best description I have is that it just bubbles up inside me until I choose to give voice to it. Sometimes I sing in tongues, and sometimes I pray in tongues. I’ve never received any interpretation of the words. I will pray for that.

    Amen and amen!


  69. I have prayed for this gift…I will listen to all that you posted, I will drop to my knees and begin the process of receiving this gift! Thank You for your encouragement and teachings! Please pray for me…I will keep you posted.

    Blessings to all,

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